Our Mission:
Here at Abiding Life Fellowship we are committed to making disciples who love God, love one another, and love our neighbor.
Latest Sermon
Our approach to sharing the Gospel message from the pulpit consists of three essential steps in our pursuit of truth. First, we seek truth in God’s Word to deepen our relationship with Him. Next, we teach truth by examining biblical teachings in their original context. Finally, we strive to live out this truth by applying these principles in our daily lives.
12 week Women's book study
Through a detailed study of each of these noteworthy women of the Bible, you will learn that God has called today's woman to play a significant role in society, in the home, and the church. You will learn from their mistakes and discover that the blessings of God are heaped upon the woman who faithfully trusts the Lord in all situations.
March 22nd 8:30 AM | Community Outreach Volunteer Sign Up
We will be reaching out to the neighboring homes around us in Pasadena TX by passing out door hangers, and offering food; nevertheless, we would love for you to sign up and aid in our outreach. As our Community Outreach comes near we would like everyone who wants to participate sign up for set up, cooking, and/or passing out door hangers.
Saturday March 15th, 4:30pm
Our training helps participants understand the power of God’s grace and the urgency of the message, encouraging each one to live out their faith with compassion, clarity, and boldness. We focus on cultivating a heart of love and understanding, enabling participants to communicate the gospel effectively in everyday situations and relationships.
Meet the team.
Starting April 2nd

Service Times & Location
Sunday Mornings
Coffee and Breakfast @ 10am
Worship Begins @10:30am
Worship Begins @10:30am